Style & Formatting Guide

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The following formatting, style, and citation guide was adapted during the making of the 2017 print publication. Texts were predominantly written in the digital mindset and this is one initial response to possibilities of translate of digital writing into print. This also provides a framework for any writing that may want to be more formal. This is meant as a reference that may be helpful and encourage clarity through some consistency. It should be altered to best suit the content! The most important premise for citation is to make as clear and accessible as possible the original author. Second general rule of thumb is to keep somewhat consistent, or as consistent as possible, in formatting. This helps an author's voice to be most visible and the point most sharp.

Formatting rules: Citations, -only for quotes or images used. References without quotation may be made in-text or with footnote to links as further reading. Influenced, but not exactly the same as, APA style. Image captions/citations below image: Image Caption (Image Title by Image Author, web address to image) Example: Cadets Study Art of Cyber Warfare(U.S. Air Force photo by Raymond McCoy, ) If there is no image title or web address shared, you can just say: Image by Author on This site

General Practices Non English Word translates literally means “the translation.” Example: Gezellig means something like "cozy." Title of Event Or Work [1] rest of sentence. Example: Quotation marks “ “ are used only for actual things being said, a literal quotation of someone speaking. ‘ ‘ single marks are used to reference a name of a function or section of something. Avoid using any quotation as

Streamlining of ‘ ‘ , to using only italics access for non techy people to write