Summer Talks: (Un)willingly Memorialized — Images and the dead in the Digital Age

Summer Talks: (Un)willingly Memorialized — Images and the dead in the Digital Age
Name Summer Talks: (Un)willingly Memorialized — Images and the dead in the Digital Age
Location De Punt, Frans de Wollantstraat 84, 1018 SC Amsterdam
Date 2015/08/07
Time 19:30-20:00
PeopleOrganisations Stëfan Schäfer
Type HDSA2015
Web Yes
Print Yes

On behalf of DigitalDeathDrive

Digital Death Drive is collaboration between Emily West (PhD Medicine) and S†ëfan Schäfer (MA Designer & Researcher) exploring the notion of the continuing self (both digital and physical), linking the physical end of life with a digital continuation.